

Come Attore

2012 - 2nd serve (Commedia)  
2010 - Exquisite corpse (Horror)  
2008 - The candy shop (Commedia)  
2006 - Down the p.c.h. (Drammatico)  
2006 - The virgin of juarez (Poliziesco)  
2004 - The terminal (Drammatico)  
2002 - Los ninos invisibles (Commedia)
2002 - West of here (Drammatico)  
1999 - Just one time (Commedia)  
1998 - Half-baked (Half baked) (Commedia)
1998 - Half baked (Commedia)  
1996 - Ragazze di citta' (Girls town) (Commedia)
1996 - Pensieri spericolati (High school high) (Comico)  
1995 - Stonewall (Drammatico)  
0 - Crazy for love 

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