

Charles Reisner, regista statunitense e' nato il 14 marzo del 1887 ed e' morto a 75 anni a La Jolla il 24 settembre del 1962

Come Regista

1950 - The traveling saleswoman (Commedia)  
1948 - In this corner (Drammatico)  
1948 - The cobra strikes (Poliziesco)  
1944 - Meet the people (Commedia)  
1943 - Harrigan's kid (Drammatico)  
1942 - This time for keeps (Commedia)  
1937 - Murder goes to college (Commedia)  
1937 - Sophie lang goes west (Poliziesco)  
1936 - Everybody dance (Musicale)  
1935 - The winning ticket (Commedia)  
1935 - It's in the air (Commedia)  
1934 - La grande festa (Hollywood party) (Commedia)
1934 - Student tour (Musicale)  
1934 - You can't buy everything (Drammatico)  
1933 - Whistling in the dark (Commedia)  
1933 - The chief (Commedia)  
1932 - Divorce in the family (Drammatico)
1931 - Stepping out (Commedia)  
1931 - Flying high (Commedia)  
1930 - Love in the rough (Commedia)  
1929 - Slim prende moglie (China bound)
1929 - Hollywood che canta (The hollywood revue of 1929)
1928 - Io... e il ciclone (Steamboat bill jr.) (Comico)
1928 - Fools for luck (Commedia)
1928 - Brotherly love (Commedia)  
1927 - The missing link (Commedia)  
1927 - The fortune hunter (Commedia)
1927 - What every girl should know (Sentimentale)
1926 - Oh what a nurse! (Commedia)
1926 - The better 'ole (Commedia)  

Come Attore

1923 - Il pellegrino (The pilgrim) (Comiche)

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