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Programmi tv Aljazeera 15/04/2024
07:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
07:30Greece Mondo e tendenze
Young activists in Greece take on systemic inequality, xenophobia and the far-right. (Continua...)
08:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
08:30Inside story Informazione
Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond. (Continua...)
09:00Newshour Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
10:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
10:30The listening post Informazione
The AI dystopia in Gaza. Plus, Ukraine's investigative journalists come up against the state. (Continua...)
11:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
11:30Talk to al jazeera Mondo e tendenze
The Dominican Foreign Minister discusses how the turmoil in neighboring Haiti threatens his country's security. (Continua...)
12:00Newshour Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
13:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
13:30Inside story Informazione
Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond. (Continua...)
14:00Witness Informazione
A refugee from Iraq looks into his family's past and wonders if his childhood trauma will affect his young son. (Continua...)
15:00Newshour Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
16:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
16:30Greece Mondo e tendenze
Young activists in Greece take on systemic inequality, xenophobia and the far-right. (Continua...)
17:00Newshour Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
18:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
18:30People and power Informazione
People and Power gets access to a pivotal moment in the fight against the Junta in Myanmar, as it faces its biggest military challenge since the coup (Continua...)
19:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
19:30Inside story Informazione
Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond. (Continua...)
20:00Newshour Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
21:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
21:30Counting the cost Informazione
Will oil prices keep rising and how will that affect inflation? (Continua...)
22:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
22:30The stream Informazione
Powered by social media, The Stream brings fresh perspectives and new voices, beyond the headlines. (Continua...)
23:00Newshour Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
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