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Programmi tv Aljazeera 28/03/2024
00:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
00:30Argentina's white gold Informazione
How a battle over mineral resources in Argentina could determine the fight against global warming. (Continua...)
01:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
01:30Inside story Informazione
Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond. (Continua...)
02:00Palestine 1920 Mondo e tendenze
Thriving trading nation or a land without a people? This 20th century history uses sources and testimonies to show the other side of the Palestinian s (Continua...)
03:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
03:30The stream Informazione
Powered by social media, The Stream brings fresh perspectives and new voices, beyond the headlines. (Continua...)
04:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
04:30Africa direct Mondo e tendenze
Learning the art of fish farming in Niger, and the Omu, or Queen Mother, in Nigeria's Delta State - two short films from African filmmakers. (Continua...)
05:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
05:30The listening post Informazione
What's the US' deal with TikTok? Is it data security, secret Chinese influence or pro-Palestinian content? Plus, Russia's theft of Ukrainian cultural (Continua...)
06:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
06:30Witness Informazione
Content creator Ahmed Hijazi documents the destruction of his beloved Gaza under Israeli bombardment. (Continua...)
07:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
07:30Inside story Informazione
Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond. (Continua...)
08:00Newshour Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
09:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
09:30Argentina's white gold Informazione
How a battle over mineral resources in Argentina could determine the fight against global warming. (Continua...)
10:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
10:30The bottom line Informazione
U.S. political scientist Ian Lustick argues that being forced to accept a ceasefire in Gaza is not what Israeli leaders fear, it's what they expect (Continua...)
11:00Newshour Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
12:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
12:30Inside story Informazione
Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond. (Continua...)
13:00Witness Informazione
Episode 2 of a doomsday political thriller about brutal consequences of evangelical Christian influence on U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. (Continua...)
14:00Newshour Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
15:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
15:30Israel: above the law? Informazione
A look into how and why international laws and principles are being applied and ignored in the Israel-Gaza conflict. (Continua...)
16:00Newshour Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
17:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
17:30The bottom line Informazione
U.S. political scientist Ian Lustick argues that being forced to accept a ceasefire in Gaza is not what Israeli leaders fear, it's what they expect (Continua...)
18:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
18:30Inside story Informazione
Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond. (Continua...)
19:00Newshour Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
20:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
20:30Witness Informazione
Content creator Ahmed Hijazi documents the destruction of his beloved Gaza under Israeli bombardment. (Continua...)
21:00News live Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
21:30The stream Informazione
Powered by social media, The Stream brings fresh perspectives and new voices, beyond the headlines. (Continua...)
22:00Newshour Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
23:00Newshour Informazione
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. (Continua...)
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