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Programmi tv CNBC 05/05/2024
12:00Cnbc sports: pga tour 2024 Sport
S5 Ep34 Zurich Classic of New Orleans RD 4 - Golfing highlights from last weekend's PGA TOUR tournament. (Continua...)
14:00Cnbc sports: powerboat p1 series 2023 Sport
S1 Ep14 Class One Offshore St. Pete - Some of the biggest sporting events from around the world are presented. (Continua...)
14:30Cnbc sports: powerboat p1 series 2023 Sport
S1 Ep15 P1 Offshore Supercat Apba St. Pete - Some of the biggest sporting events from around the world are presented. (Continua...)
15:00Longines fei jumping world cup Sport
S5 Ep16 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Finals, Jumping - Some of the biggest sporting events from around the world are presented. (Continua...)
16:00The cnbc conversation Informazione
S1 Ep55 Ronnie Chan e Adriel Chan - Emily Tan dives deep into the Chinese and Hong Kong property market with the leaders of Hong Kong based Hang Lung (Continua...)
16:30Cnbc pro talks Informazione
S2 Ep2 London Business School - CNBC Pro Talks are live discussions designed to give exclusive access to CNBC talent and the biggest names in investin (Continua...)
17:00Meet the press Informazione
S3 Ep18 - ''Meet the Press'' is America's most-watched and No. 1 Sunday morning public affairs broadcast. (Continua...)
18:00Cities of success Informazione
S1 Ep2 Denver e Boulder - CNBC lands in Colorado and zooms into Denver e Boulder to see how two cities have leveraged the allure of the Rocky Mountain (Continua...)
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