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Commedia 2006
Sab 29/06/2024(15m)
A weekly talk show about the world's media. Guests discuss current events as well as issues like press freedom, media bias and the evolving industry, from budget and job cuts to the arrival of artificial intelligence.
Sab 29/06/2024(100m)
Scarlett Johansson e Hugh Jackman nella commedia di e con Woody Allen. Londra: una giornalista, sulle tracce di un killer, entra nell'alta societa' insieme a un buffo mago (GBR/USA 2006)
Ven 05/07/2024(15m)
A weekly talk show about the world's media. Guests discuss current events as well as issues like press freedom, media bias and the evolving industry, from budget and job cuts to the arrival of artificial intelligence.
Ven 05/07/2024(15m)
A weekly talk show about the world's media. Guests discuss current events as well as issues like press freedom, media bias and the evolving industry, from budget and job cuts to the arrival of artificial intelligence.
Sab 06/07/2024(15m)
A weekly talk show about the world's media. Guests discuss current events as well as issues like press freedom, media bias and the evolving industry, from budget and job cuts to the arrival of artificial intelligence.
(DI W. ALLEN) - VISIONE CONSIGLIATA CON LA PRESENZA DI UN ADULTO. Sandra Pransky (Scarlett Johansson) e' una giornalista Newyorkese alle prime armi in gita a Londra, la quale si trova ad assistere allo spettacolo di magia del prestigiatore da quattro soldi Splendini (Woody Allen). Durante uno dei suoi "numeri", Sandra viene contattata dal reporter Joe Strombel (Ian McShane), morto qualche anno prima, che nell'aldila' ha avuto una "dritta" su chi sia il killer dei tarocchi: l'aristocratico Peter Lyman (Hugh Jackman)... Regia: Woody Allen - Cast: Scarlett Johansson, Hugh Jackman, Ian Mc Shane, Woody Allen. COMMEDIA 97' - Regno Unito Di Gran Bretagna E Irlanda/Stati Uniti D'America, 2006

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