

Come Attore

1924 - Il cavallo d'acciaio (The iron horse) (Western)
1923 - Danger (Western)
1923 - High gear jeffrey
1922 - Western speed (Western)
1921 - Azione (Action) (Western)
1921 - Sure fire (Drammatico)
1920 - The moon riders (Western)
1920 - Two kinds of love (Western)
1917 - The gilded youth (Commedia)
1917 - Snap judgment (Commedia)
1917 - My fighting gentleman (Drammatico)
1916 - The sable blessing (Commedia)
1916 - A woman's daring (Drammatico)
1916 - Lord loveland discovers america (Drammatico)
1916 - True nobility (Drammatico)

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