

Vin Moore e' nato a Mayville, New York, USA il 23/1 del 1879 ed e' morto a 70 anni a Hollywood, California, USA il 5/12 del 1949

Come Regista

1940 - Anime selvagge (Killers of the wild)
1936 - The drag-net (Azione)  
1935 - Cheers of the crowd (Drammatico)  
1934 - Flirting with danger (Commedia)  
1934 - Love past thirty (Commedia)
1932 - Racing youth (Drammatico)
1931 - Many a slip (Commedia)
1931 - Ex-bad boy (Commedia)  
1931 - The virtuous husband (Commedia)  
1930 - Cohen e kelly in africa (Cohens and kellys in africa)

Come Attore

1926 - Fulmine pigro (Lazy lightning) (Western)

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