

Come Attore

1927 - Daring deeds (Commedia)
1927 - The golden stallion (Azione)  
1926 - The thunderbolt strikes (Western)
1926 - Rawhide (Western)
1926 - Bad man's bluff (Western)
1926 - The bandit buster (Western)
1925 - The knockout kid (Commedia)
1925 - Double-fisted (Western)
1924 - Westbound (Western)
1924 - Battling bunyan (Commedia)
1922 - The trail of hate (Western)
1922 - Blaze away (Western)
1922 - The freshie (Commedia)
1921 - Sure fire (Drammatico)
1921 - Not guilty (Mystery)
1921 - An unwilling hero (Commedia)
1921 - Bucking the line (Drammatico)
1921 - A poor relation (Commedia)
1921 - Red courage (Western)
1920 - Just out of college (Commedia)
1919 - Il garage (The garage) (Comico)  
1919 - Il rustico (The hayseed)
1919 - The spite bride (Drammatico)
1918 - Inganno di donna (A woman's fool) (Commedia)
1918 - Donne selvagge (Wild woman) (Commedia)
1918 - I cavalieri fantasma (The phantom riders) (Western)
1918 - La goccia scarlatta (The scarlet drop) (Drammatico)
1918 - L'oro dei ladri (Thieves' gold) (Western)
1918 - The lure of the circus (Avventura)  
1917 - All'assalto del viale (Bucking broadway) (Western)
1917 - Un uomo segnato (A marked man) (Western)
1917 - Centro! (Straight shooting) (Western)
1917 - Il pastore di anime (The soul herder) (Western)
1917 - The pulse of life (Drammatico)
1917 - The rescue (Drammatico)  
1917 - The car of chance (Drammatico)

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