

Walter Forde e' nato a London, England il 21/04 del 1898 ed e' morto a 86 anni a Los Angeles il 07/01 del 1984

Come Regista

1949 - L'allegro moschettiere (The cardboard cavalier) (Commedia)
1947 - Master of bankdam (Drammatico)  
1944 - Time flies (Commedia)
1943 - It's that man again (Commedia)  
1943 - The peterville diamond (Commedia)  
1942 - Flying fortress (Guerra)
1941 - Atlantic ferry (Drammatico)
1941 - Il treno fantasma (The ghost train)  
1941 - Inspector hornleigh goes to it (Poliziesco)  
1941 - Gasbags (Avventura)  
1940 - Saloon bar (Thriller)  
1940 - Sailors three (Commedia)  
1939 - The four just men (Thriller)  
1939 - Cheer boys cheer (Commedia)  
1939 - Let's be famous (Commedia)  
1939 - Inspector hornleigh on holiday (Poliziesco)  
1938 - Ossessione (The gaunt stranger)
1936 - La danza dei vagabondi (Kicking the moon around)
1936 - Lasciateci cantare (Land without music) (Commedia)
1935 - King of the damned (Azione)  
1935 - Brown on resolution (Azione)  
1935 - Bulldog jack (Commedia)  
1933 - Chu chin chow
1933 - Il diavolo in caserma (Orders is orders)
1932 - Condemned to death (Poliziesco)  
1932 - Lord babs (Musicale)  
1931 - The ghost train (Commedia)  
1930 - Bed and breakfast (Commedia)
1929 - The silent house (Mystery)
1929 - Would you believe it! (Commedia)  

Come Attore

1929 - Would you believe it! (Commedia)  

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