

Come Regista

1958 - Anna di brooklyn (Commedia)
1939 - Blind folly (Commedia)
1939 - Flying fifty-five (Drammatico)  
1938 - Il treno scomparso (Kate plusten)
1936 - Il cerchio rosso (The crimson cercle)
1936 - The house of the spaniard (Avventura)  
1936 - Calling the tune (Drammatico)  
1936 - Dreams come true (Musicale)
1935 - Il passeggero muto (The silent passenger)
1935 - Lieut. daring r.n. (Avventura)  
1935 - The village squire (Commedia)  
1935 - The price of wisdom (Drammatico)
1934 - Lucky loser (Commedia)
1934 - Borrow a million
1934 - Death at broadcasting house (Mystery)  
1934 - Brides to be
1933 - Called back (Drammatico)
1933 - The jewel (Poliziesco)

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