

Otto Lederer e' nato a Prague, Austria-Hungary, now Czech Republic il 17/4 del 1886 ed e' morto a 79 anni a Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, U.S. il 3/9 del 1965

Come Regista

1921 - The struggle (Western)

Come Attore

1928 - A bit of heaven (Drammatico)
1924 - Turned up (Poliziesco)
1923 - La fiera delle vanita' (Vanity fair)
1918 - The woman in the web (Azione)  
1917 - By right of possession (Western)
1917 - Captain of the gray horse troop (Western)  
1917 - The magnificent meddler (Commedia)
1917 - Aladdin from broadway (Avventura)

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