

Come Attore

2014 - Wish i was here (Commedia)  
2011 - God bless america (Commedia)  
2009 - Hurt (Drammatico)  
2009 - Jason's big problem (Commedia)  
2004 - ...e alla fine arriva polly (Along came polly) (Commedia)  
2003 - The job (Azione)
2003 - The commission (Drammatico)  
2001 - It is what it is 
1998 - The souler opposite (Commedia)  
1995 - French exit (Commedia)  
1993 - Mad dog coll (Azione)  
1992 - Hit the dutchman (Poliziesco)  
1979 - The wanderers - i nuovi guerrieri (Drammatico)  

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