

Terence Alexander e' nato a Islington, London, England il 11/3 del 1923 ed e' morto a 86 anni a London, England il 28/5 del 2009

Come Attore

1990 - That englishwoman: an account of the life of emily hobhouse 
1973 - Il giorno dello sciacallo (The day of the jackal) (Giallo)  
1971 - Qui montecarlo attenti a quei due! (The persuaders) (Commedia)
1968 - ...solo quando rido (Only when i larf) (Commedia)
1962 - Norman astuto poliziotto (On the beat) (Commedia)
1961 - The gentle terror
1961 - The man at the carlton tower (Drammatico)  
1959 - Breakout (Drammatico)  
1959 - The price of silence (Poliziesco)  
1957 - Sfida agli inglesi (The one that got away) (Guerra)
1956 - The eternal question
1954 - Hands of destiny (Drammatico)
1951 - Death is a number (Horror)  

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