

Come Attore

1994 - Mister hula hoop (The hudsucker proxy) (Grottesco)  
1992 - Rabbia ad harlem (A rage in harlem) (Drammatico)
1988 - Chiamami di notte (Call me) (Thriller)
1987 - Dentro la grande mela (Five corners) (Drammatico)  
1985 - Scelte difficili (Hard choices) (Poliziesco)
1930 - In the next room (Mystery)
1922 - Turn to the right (Commedia)  
1919 - The westerners (Western)
1918 - Up romance road (Commedia)
1917 - Edged tools (Drammatico)
1917 - The bride's silence (Mystery)
1917 - A game of wits (Commedia)
1917 - The mate of the sally ann (Commedia)

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