

Nick Stuart e' nato a Abrudb\u00e1nya, Als\u00f3-Feh\u00e9r County, Austria-Hungary
(now Abrud, Alba County, Romania) il 10/4 del 1904 ed e' morto a 69 anni a Biloxi, Mississippi|Biloxi, Mississippi, United States il 7/4 del 1973

Come Attore

1953 - The lost planet (Fantascienza)  
1947 - Gunsmoke (Western)
1940 - Pride of the bowery (Commedia)  
1935 - Secrets of chinatown (Poliziesco)  
1934 - A demon for trouble (Azione)  
1933 - Police call (Azione)
1933 - The crimson paradise (Azione)
1933 - Secret sinners (Drammatico)  
1931 - Sundown trail (Sentimentale)  
1931 - Mystery train (Poliziesco)  
1931 - Sheer luck (Poliziesco)
1930 - The fourth alarm (Drammatico)
1929 - Joy street
1929 - Chasing through europe 
1929 - Why leave home? (Commedia)
1928 - News parade (Commedia)
1928 - The river pirate (Drammatico)
1927 - Amanti per burla (The gradle snatchers)

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