
Frank Whitson

Come Attore

1926 - Walloping kid (Western)
1926 - Bad man's bluff (Western)
1925 - Fighting courage (Western)
1924 - The pell street mystery (Mystery)
1924 - His own law (Western)
1924 - Ten scars make a man (Avventura)  
1923 - The way of the transgressor (Drammatico)
1922 - The man from hell's river (Western)  
1921 - The adventures of tarzan (Azione)  
1921 - Gilded lies
1919 - Square deal sanderson (Azione)  
1919 - The faith of the strong (Drammatico)
1918 - After the war (Drammatico)
1917 - The clock (Commedia)
1916 - The isle of life (Avventura)
1916 - The mark of cain (Drammatico)

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