
Dennis OKeefe

Come Attore

1964 - The naked flame (Drammatico)  
1957 - Lady of vengeance (Drammatico)  
1957 - El aventurero (Poliziesco)
1952 - One big affair (Avventura)  
1951 - Follow the sun (Biografico)  
1949 - The great dan patch (Avventura)  
1949 - Cover up (Mystery)  
1946 - Her adventurous night (Commedia)  
1945 - Earl carroll vanities (Musicale)  
1943 - Hi diddle diddle (Commedia)  
1943 - Good morning, judge (Commedia)
1943 - Tahiti honey (Commedia)  
1942 - Moonlight masquerade (Commedia)
1942 - The affairs of jimmy valentine (Commedia)  
1941 - La donna sfregiata (Thriller)  
1941 - Mr. district attorney (Commedia)  
1941 - Weekend for three (Commedia)  
1941 - Lady scarface (Commedia)  
1940 - Pop always pays (Commedia)  
1940 - La conga nights (Commedia)
1940 - Girl from havana (Drammatico)  
1940 - Alias the deacon (Avventura)  
1939 - Burn 'em up o'connor (Azione)  
1939 - The kid from texas (Commedia)  
1938 - Hold that kiss (Commedia)  
1938 - The chaser (Drammatico)  
1938 - Vacation from love (Commedia)  

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